tableView:indexPathForCell returns nil

It could be that the cell is not visible at this moment. tableView:indexPathForCell returns nil in this situation. I solved this using indexPathForRowAtPoint this method works even if the cell is not visible. The code: UITableViewCell *cell = textField.superview.superview; NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.tableView];

type hint for an instance of a non specific dataclass

Despite its name, dataclasses.dataclass doesn’t expose a class interface. It just allows you to declare a custom class in a convenient way that makes it obvious that it is going to be used as a data container. So, in theory, there is little opportunity to write something that only works on dataclasses, because dataclasses really … Read more

Can someone explain what a wire-level protocol is?

I wouldn’t say that something uses a wire-level protocol or doesn’t – I’d talk about which wire-level protocol it uses. Basically, if something’s communicating with a remote machine (even conceptually) then there’s some data going across the network connection (the wire). The description of that data is the “wire-level protocol”. Even within that, you would … Read more

Are binary protocols dead? [closed]

You Just Can’t Beat the Binary Binary protocols will always be more space efficient than text protocols. Even as internet speeds drastically increase, so does the amount and complexity of information we wish to convey. The text protocols you reference are outstanding in terms of standardization, flexibility and ease of use. However, there will always … Read more