Clone specific branch from git

Try: git clone [email protected]:project/project.git -b develop_one –single-branch For already cloned repos use: git fetch git checkout develop_one # Or more specific: git checkout –track -b develop_one This will track the develop_one branch from the remote.

Git – Automatically fast forward all tracking branches on pull

Shell script that fast-forwards all branches that have their upstream branch set to the matching origin/ branch without doing any checkouts it doesn’t change your current branch at any time, no need to deal with working copy changes and time lost checking out it only does fast-forwards, branches that cannot be fast-forwarded will show an … Read more

Exclude specific files from ‘git pull’

This allowed me to tell git to ignore a specific file, even though it was already part of a project. All changes I make to it will be ignored: git update-index –assume-unchanged Localization/el-GR.js Notes It’s ignored by git status, but not by git pull. You can solve it with something like git remote update && … Read more

Show progress of Mercurial push/pull

Mercurial 3.5 has progress enabled by default. Earlier versions can use the standard progress extension shipped since version 1.5. Simply enable the extension by adding this to your hgrc file: [extensions] progress = You will then see progress bars on clone, push, pull, and other operations. The progress bars are only shown after an initial … Read more