GIT pulling or cloning repository only gets Master branch

The branches do exist but you can’t see them Try using this: git branch -a You’ll now see the list of remote branches in origin e.g. Output: remotes/origin/tk_removes_call_centers remotes/origin/tk_warm_transfer_fix remotes/origin/update_README and you can then git checkout [any_individual_branch_name] You can also get the same list with git branch -v –all which includes the most recent commit … Read more

how to make pull requests *without* a github account?

You can use git request-pull to achieve the same kind of workflow (which is improved with Git1.7.9+). See the article “using signed tag in pull-requests“ A typical distributed workflow using Git is for a contributor to fork a project, build on it, publish the result to her public repository, and ask the “upstream” person (often … Read more

Where to find changes due to `git fetch`

git fetch origin by default fetches everything from the remote named “origin” and updates (or creates) the so-called “remote-tracking branches” for that remote. Say, for the remote named “origin” which contain branches named “master” and “feature”, running git fetch remote will result in the remote-tracking branches named “origin/master” and “origin/feature” being updated (or created, if … Read more

Using GIT, how can I selectively merge changes from one commit on another ‘fork’?

After trolling the waves of the IRC world, someone gave a great solution: git cherry-pick SHA1 –no-commit git add –patch Hopefully that helps anyone else with the same question! EDIT: OK, maybe it isn’t quite that simple. Here are the full steps: First you have to be in your repository, do the necessary cd-ing to … Read more