Is it possible to run .NET Core on Raspberry PI?

I have managed to run .NET Core 2 app on Raspberry PI 3 with Raspbian. I have followed and On my laptop: Install .NET Core 2.0 SDK Run mkdir helloworld cd helloworld dotnet new console Edit helloworld.csproj <Project Sdk=”Microsoft.NET.Sdk”> <PropertyGroup> <OutputType>Exe</OutputType> <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.0</TargetFramework> <RuntimeIdentifiers>win-arm;linux-arm</RuntimeIdentifiers> </PropertyGroup> </Project> Run dotnet publish -r linux-arm On Raspberry PI … Read more

Raspberry Pi with Kinect

To answer your question, yes it is possible to get Image and depth on the raspberry pi! Here is how to. If you want to use just video (color, not depth) there is already a driver in the kernel! You can load it like this: modprobe videodev modprobe gspca_main modprobe gspca_kinect You get a new … Read more

Docker run does not display any output

I ran into the same issue on a Raspberry Pi 1B+ (armv6l). Inspired by @JanDrábek’s answer, the first observation is that the hello-world image would indeed be one supporting ARM, yet only after using hypriot/armhf-hello-world instead did I get the expected output: $ uname -a Linux 4.1.19+ #858 Tue Mar 15 15:52:03 GMT 2016 armv6l … Read more

How to run a C program with no OS on the Raspberry Pi?

Fully automated minimal bare metal blinker example Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 host, Raspberry Pi 2. is the most comprehensive example set I’ve seen to date (previously mentioned on this now deleted answer), but this is a minimal easy to setup hello world to get you started quickly. Usage: Insert SD card on host Make … Read more

How to disable sleeping on Raspberry pi

I installed xscreensaver sudo apt-get install xscreensaver Once installed, go to Rpi’s desktop “Menu” (left top corner) Go to preference –> screensaver. You will see a screen saver main menu. In the mode drop-down menu, select “disable screensaver” then close the window. Reboot the Raspberry PI. It should work now.