Is there any way of using Records with inheritance?

The JEP states this: Restrictions on records Records cannot extend any other class, and cannot declare instance fields other than the private final fields which correspond to components of the state description. Any other fields which are declared must be static. These restrictions ensure that the state description alone defines the representation. The Java 17 … Read more

OSStatus error 1718449215

1718449215 is the decimal representation of the four character code for the kAudioFormatUnsupportedDataFormatError error. In general you can use something like this to get more information from the errors you receive: NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSOSStatusErrorDomain code:my_error_code userInfo:nil]; NSLog(@”Error: %@”, [error description]);

Custom Equality check for C# 9 records

Per the C#9 record proposal, the following should compile, even if not very useful without actual implementations.. // No explicit IEquatable<R> – this is synthesized! public sealed record SimpleVo { // Not virtual, as SimpleVo (R) is sealed. // Accepts SimpleVo? (R?), and not SimpleVo (R), as argument. public bool Equals(SimpleVo? other) => throw new … Read more

Return a value if no record is found

Encapsulate the query in a sub-query to transform “no row” to a null value. I tested and verified this with PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and MySQL. SELECT (SELECT id FROM tbl WHERE id = 9823474) AS id; In Oracle you have to select from the dummy 1-row table DUAL: SELECT (SELECT id FROM tbl WHERE … Read more

HowTo: Custom Field in Lift-Record-Squeryl

you are implementing your validation logic incorrectly. The correct way to validate a Record field is to override def validations: List[ValidationFunction] where ValidationFunction is a type alias type ValidationFunction = ValueType => List[FieldError] and in your case ValueType == String. The next issue is your Domain trait. Because your call to validate is inlined into … Read more

How to update a mongo record using Rogue with MongoCaseClassField when case class contains a scala Enumeration

Answer coming from : But more convenient directly here on StackOverFlow: Sorry, I should have chimed in here sooner. One of the long-standing problems with Rogue was that it was too easy to accidentally make a field that was not serializable as BSON, and have it fail at runtime (when you try to add … Read more