What are RFC’s?

The term comes from the days of ARPANET, the predecessor to the internet, where the researchers would basically just throw ideas out there to, well, make a request for comments from the other researchers on the project. They could be about pretty much anything and were not very formal at the time. If you go … Read more

Can . (period) be part of the path part of an URL?

I don’t see where RFC1738 disallows periods (.) in URLs. Here are some excerpts from there: hpath = hsegment *[ “https://stackoverflow.com/” hsegment ] hsegment = *[ uchar | “;” | “:” | “@” | “&” | “=” ] uchar = unreserved | escape unreserved = alpha | digit | safe | extra safe = “$” … Read more

The date/time format used in HTTP headers

As you can see here, Last-Modified header has datetimes in RFC2616 format. In section 14.29 Last-Modified you can see that date format should be: “Last-Modified” “:” HTTP-date An example of its use is Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT Another quote from RFC2616 read more : All HTTP date/time stamps MUST be represented in … Read more

Why do HTTP servers forbid underscores in HTTP header names

They are not forbidden, it’s CGI legacy. See “Missing (disappearing) HTTP Headers“. If you do not explicitly set underscores_in_headers on;, nginx will silently drop HTTP headers with underscores (which are perfectly valid according to the HTTP standard). This is done in order to prevent ambiguities when mapping headers to CGI variables, as both dashes and … Read more

Where is the documentation that states TCP and UDP source port should be over 1024 and random?

You are probably looking for RFC 6056 – Recommendations for Transport-Protocol Port Randomization (“Best Current Practice”). Technically there is no requirement that the ephemeral port be >1024 or random (you could build a system that always initiates connections from port 12 because you like the number 12), it’s just not “normal” to do so (and … Read more

What is the point of the zones.rfc1918 file for Bind9?

It is generally considered a good practice to serve localhost, 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa and the RFC-1918 reverse zones on your internal DNS system to prevent sending queries from them out to the internet. It saves time (you get replies for those queries quickly), bandwidth (no requests leaving your network for zones that shouldn’t exist), and relieves the … Read more