Set timeout for HTTPClient get() request

There are two different ways to configure this behavior in Dart Set a per request timeout You can set a timeout on any Future using the Future.timeout method. This will short-circuit after the given duration has elapsed by throwing a TimeoutException. try { final request = await client.get(…); final response = await request.close() .timeout(const Duration(seconds: … Read more

Travel/Hotel API’s? [closed]

In my search for hotel APIs I have found only one API giving unrestricted open access to their hotel database and allowing you to book their hotels: Expedia’s EAN You need to sign for their affiliate program, which is very easy. You get immediate access to their hotel databases plus you can make availability/booking … Read more

How to make a custom LinkedIn share button

Official LinkedIn API for sharing: Read Terms of Use! Example link using “Customized URL” method: You just need to open it in popup using JavaScript or load it to iframe. Simple and works – that’s what I was looking for! EDIT: Video attached to a post: I checked that you can’t really embed … Read more

How to post in Google+ wall

Well, Google+ doesn’t have a “wall,” it has “Streams.” The proper term might help you find better search results. Either way, unless you’re a Google partner, the news isn’t good: The API is currently limited to read-only access. From the API website: Note: The Google+ API currently provides read-only access to public data. All API … Read more

Why can’t a Flutter application connect to the Internet when installing “app-release.apk”? But it works normally in debug mode

Open the AndroidManifest.xml file located at ./android/app/src/main and add the following line: <manifest xmlns:android=”…”> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET”/> <!– Add this –> </manifest> From here: Add the android.permission.INTERNET permission if your application code needs Internet access. The standard template does not include this tag but allows Internet access during development to enable communication between Flutter tools and … Read more

What are Leaflet and Mapbox, and what are their differences?

The other answer is good but a bit outdated, since Mapbox has changed significantly in two years. Leaflet is a JavaScript API for making maps interactive on the internet. It can integrate with Mapbox, but also plenty of other tile sources, like OpenStreetMap, and other data sources, like GeoJSON overlays. Mapbox is a company that … Read more

How to use API Routes in Laravel 5.3

You call it by http://localhost:8080/api/test ^^^ If you look in app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php you’d see that by default it sets the api prefix for API routes, which you can change of course if you want to. protected function mapApiRoutes() { Route::group([ ‘middleware’ => ‘api’, ‘namespace’ => $this->namespace, ‘prefix’ => ‘api’, ], function ($router) { require base_path(‘routes/api.php’); }); … Read more