What’s the difference between a web site and a web application? [closed]

This is totally personal and subjective, but I’d say that a website is defined by its content, while a web application is defined by its interaction with the user. That is, a website can plausibly consist of a static content repository that’s dealt out to all visitors, while a web application depends on interaction and … Read more

What ways are out there to display a desktop notification from a web app?

Below is a working example of desktop notifications for Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari, copied from Chrome desktop notification example. Try it live on JSBin. // request permission on page load document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function () { if (Notification.permission !== “granted”) Notification.requestPermission(); }); function notifyMe() { if (!Notification) { alert(‘Desktop notifications not available in your browser. Try … Read more

Websockets in microservices architecture

Websockets A websocket connection opened by a client must eventually connect to a websocket server. API Gateway The job of the API gateway is to accept an incoming websocket connection from a client and correctly route it to a websocket server. An API gateway will redirect ALL data sent from a client websocket to the … Read more

Right mouse click in web applications: good or bad idea?

It’s generally not a good idea: Expectations Users, especially power users, expect to be able to right-click on elements in desktop applications in order to get a menu of element-specific actions. This expectation does not exist for web applications – indeed, the expectation is that right-clicking in a web page will give you the standard … Read more

Wysiwyg with image copy/paste [closed]

You might find inspiration from ScreenshotMe. Basically you need different parts: something that takes the image out of the clipboard and uploads it to the web: this could be a java applet, flash or firefox extensions. Flash or Java would have the advantage of being cross browser then you use the <canvas> tag to display … Read more

Docker : How To Dockerize And Deploy multiple instances of a LAMP Application

I recently went through analysis on Docker for this type of setup. I know there are some who view Docker as a sort of MicroVM, but my take is the Docker philosophy leans more toward single process per container. This tracks well with the Single Responsibility principle in programming. The more a Docker container does, … Read more

manifest.json vs manifest.webmanifest

There are no big difference rather than naming. Use whichever you prefer: href=”/manifest.webmanifest” or “/manifest.json”. Just don’t forget that MIME type has to be: application/manifest+json in both cases. <link rel=”manifest” href=”/manifest.webmanifest”> <link rel=”manifest” href=”/manifest.json”> Note that spec says it should be manifest.webmanifest. And later it may be important because it is under heavy development. For … Read more