FreeBSD Jails or Docker instances [closed]

I will address some of the aspects of FreeBSD jails and Linux Docker, of how they are similar and how they are different. both serve the same goal: it’s an implementation of lightweight virtualization, when you run application in a separated and isolated compartment under same kernel, and here the similarities end, and differences begin … Read more

Fail2ban jail.local vs jail.conf

According to the Manual 8 0 “Every .conf file can be overridden with a file named .local. The .conf file is read first, then .local, with later settings overriding earlier ones. Thus, a .local file doesn’t have to include everything in the corresponding .conf file, only those settings that you wish to override. Modifications should … Read more

I am going to chop the FreeBSD automounter into little pieces and boil them in oil

Why, hello there Lars! That’s a fascinating question you’ve asked, and after some research I may have found an answer for you. According to this and other posts out there, it may be possible to set the VFCF_JAIL attribute on the NFS filesystem provider, which would in theory allow jails to perform NFS mounts. This … Read more