Refused to load the image ‘blob:…’ because it violates the following Content Security Policy

This is the fix for both image and base64. Need to add img-src ‘self’ blob: data:; As follow: <meta http-equiv=”Content-Security-Policy” content=” worker-src blob:; child-src blob: gap:; img-src ‘self’ blob: data:; default-src * ‘self’ ‘unsafe-inline’ ‘unsafe-eval’ data: gap: content:”>

How to integrate OpenStreetMap into a react-native project?

Using Mapbox GL ⚠️ WARNING: the instructions below for Mapbox appear to no longer be free if you use SDK/library versions after 2.0.0, released around Dec 2020. See this SO answer for more details: Old answer (pre-December 2020 – see above): Another option is to use Mapbox GL, which is free as long as … Read more

Leaflet: How to add a text label to a custom marker icon?

You could use a L.DivIcon: Represents a lightweight icon for markers that uses a simple div element instead of an image. Put your image and text in it’s HTML, sprinkle some CSS to make it appear the way you want and you’re good to go new L.Marker([57.666667, -2.64], { icon: new L.DivIcon({ className: ‘my-div-icon’, … Read more

What are Leaflet and Mapbox, and what are their differences?

The other answer is good but a bit outdated, since Mapbox has changed significantly in two years. Leaflet is a JavaScript API for making maps interactive on the internet. It can integrate with Mapbox, but also plenty of other tile sources, like OpenStreetMap, and other data sources, like GeoJSON overlays. Mapbox is a company that … Read more