Stop at the line where a variable gets changed

Currently pycharm does not have a default built-in feature that tracks variable modification in real time. Alternatively you can do this: run debug From debugger pane -> Variables, right click the variable you would like to track and and add it to Watches. In Watches pane, right click the variable and select referring objects. The … Read more

PyCharm: Remote Development

This configuration is simpler than it seems. Creating a server configuration: specifying its name, type, and visibility Open the Deployment page: On Mac ⌘, on Windows and Linux File | Settings and click Deployment under Build, Execution, Deployment. Choose Tools | Deployment | Configuration on the main menu. (see image below) In the left-hand pane, … Read more

Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005) Pycharm

Assume you are running under Windows. Application Error code 0xc0000005, also known as Access Violation error, is a common problem experienced by Windows users, regardless of os version. There are various causes to trigger Application Error 0xc0000005. For my case, I’m running debug mode in PyCharm (or Eclipse) with code that includes the following: from … Read more

py.test does not find tests under a class

By convention it searches for Test prefixed test classes (without an init method) eg. # content of class TestClass: def test_one(self): x = “this” assert ‘h’ in x def test_two(self): x = “hello” assert hasattr(x, ‘check’) # this works too @staticmethod def test_three(): pass # this doesn’t work #@classmethod #def test_three(cls): # pass See … Read more