How do I wrap a function in Javascript?

Personally instead of polluting builtin objects I would go with a decorator technique: var makeSafe = function(fn){ return function(){ try{ return fn.apply(this, arguments); }catch(ex){ ErrorHandler.Exception(ex); } }; }; You can use it like that: function fnOriginal(a){ console.log(1/a); }; var fn2 = makeSafe(fnOriginal); fn2(1); fn2(0); fn2(“abracadabra!”); var obj = { method1: function(x){ /* do something */ … Read more

Exposing `defaultdict` as a regular `dict`

defaultdict docs say for default_factory: If the default_factory attribute is None, this raises a KeyError exception with the key as argument. What if you just set your defaultdict’s default_factory to None? E.g., >>> d = defaultdict(int) >>> d[‘a’] += 1 >>> d defaultdict(<type ‘int’>, {‘a’: 1}) >>> d.default_factory = None >>> d[‘b’] += 2 Traceback … Read more

What’s the relative order with which Windows search for executable files in PATH?

See the command search sequence on Microsoft Docs The PATH and PATHEXT environmental variables each provide an element of the search sequence: PATH is the ordered list of directories “where” to look, and PATHEXT is the ordered list of file extensions (“what“) to look for (in case the extension isn’t explicitly provided on the command … Read more

Creating simple wrapper. Step-by-step This is general direction. You need to create C++/CLI Class Library project, add .NET class to it (StudentWrapper in this sample), create unmanaged class instance as managed class member, and wrap every unmanaged class function. Unmanaged library is added to C++/CLI project using linker dependencies list, and not as reference. In the Project – … Read more

What is the meaning of a C++ Wrapper Class?

A “wrapper class” is a de facto term meaning a class that “wraps around” a resource; i.e, that manages the resource. When people write a wrapper, then, they are doing something like this: class int_ptr_wrapper { public: int_ptr_wrapper(int value = 0) : mInt(new int(value)) {} // note! needs copy-constructor and copy-assignment operator! ~int_ptr_wrapper() { delete … Read more