Build Dictionary in Python Loop – List and Dictionary Comprehensions

The short form is as follows (called dict comprehension, as analogy to the list comprehension, set comprehension etc.): x = { row.SITE_NAME : row.LOOKUP_TABLE for row in cursor } so in general given some _container with some kind of elements and a function _value which for a given element returns the value that you want … Read more

Python Asynchronous Comprehensions – how do they work?

You are basically asking how an async for loop works over a regular loop. That you can now use such a loop in a list comprehension doesn’t make any difference here; that’s just an optimisation that avoids repeated list.append() calls, exactly like a normal list comprehension does. An async for loop then, simply awaits each … Read more

Nested dictionary comprehension python

{inner_k: myfunc(inner_v)} isn’t a dictionary comprehension. It’s just a dictionary. You’re probably looking for something like this instead: data = {outer_k: {inner_k: myfunc(inner_v) for inner_k, inner_v in outer_v.items()} for outer_k, outer_v in outer_dict.items()} For the sake of readability, don’t nest dictionary comprehensions and list comprehensions too much.

How do I convert a tuple of tuples to a one-dimensional list using list comprehension? [duplicate]

it’s typically referred to as flattening a nested structure. >>> tupleOfTuples = ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5,)) >>> [element for tupl in tupleOfTuples for element in tupl] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Just to demonstrate efficiency: >>> import timeit >>> it = lambda: list(chain(*tupleOfTuples)) >>> timeit.timeit(it) 2.1475738355700913 >>> lc = lambda: [element for tupl in … Read more